SLAYERS is a story of an unborn and revolves around female foeticide culture in India.

SLAYERS is the first short film where I got the chance to work with a standard production team. We had Production Design , Assitant Director and Costumes in addition to the Director, Writer and D.O.P.

I lived my life thinking about the story of “SLAYERS”. It was part of my culture, and similar stories would come before me from time to time. My father, Kanwaljit Dhillon, an actor/writer in the Punjabi Film industry, has made live performances on the same issues while teaching acting at various schools in Punjab, India.

Somehow, I used to think that female foeticide was only an issue within un-educated families. However, when I moved to Australia in 2014, similar stories prevailed in the community. These stories were related to well-settled and educated families.

Personally, it was a shock, but I concluded that this culture has its roots deep down within my community. One one side, we were praying in front of female Goddesses and on the other side, we were killing unborn females.

I shared this concern with the rest of my team and we all thought to address this shocking side of the community. Hence, SLAYERS was made.