Agla Sawera was one of the quickest projects for our production team. The filming took about two days only, and the post-production was finished within a week.

As you know, the COVID-19 pandemic caused chaos worldwide. Shopping centres were empty, ordinary people started fighting with each other on the streets, and everyone was forced to keep their distance. This whole scenario felt like a nightmare; however, people started getting used to the virus by the end of the year 2020. People did not worry about it anymore.

Nevertheless, not a lot of us took this as a warning. Everyone started forgetting about it as something like this would never happen again.

That is when I thought to share this story from the nearby future (2030), where we have no medical staff and patients would have to carry oxygen cylinders. My goal was to show people that a pandemic can be worst than what we are going through; it could erase the whole of humankind.

Did we think about a COVID-19 pandemic a few years ago? Not me. But it happened. So, the future might hold anything for us, and we can only be ready mentally and physically. More importantly, we will have to be kind to each other.